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Giovanni Anselmo

26 May - 27 August 2006

Starting with a compass positioned on a pile of earth in the middle of the museum, the show brings together a substantial number of works dating to the 60s and 70s, which are deliberately presented together with more recent installations.
These make up a unitary environment that involves the entire museum in a kind of slow, almost imperceptible bradyseism, a peaceful scattering of signs in the physical space and institutional framework of the building itself.

Made from organic and inorganic materials such as stone, earth, metal, water and cotton, Anselmo’s works are installed and dotted around in the main exhibition spaces of the gallery. Rather than acting as separate metaphors or simulacra, they embody and translate into perceptible experience basic but generally unnoticed phenomena of knowledge: gravity, energy, the relation between general and particular, finite and infinite, culture and nature, the flow of historic time and the hypothesis of the eternity of universal physical laws, the realist, almost scientific method of experiencing and the abstraction of philosophical principles.

It is in this sense, then, that Anselmo will put a second compass into place before the exhibition is officially opened, this time in the as-yet empty and locked premises of the Ex Forno del Pane. Restored in the course of more than a decade, this industrial building is inside the Manifattura delle Arti, Bologna’s new arts complex.

Giovanni Anselmo