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Giorgio Morandi 1890 – 1964

22 January - 13 April 2009

Bologna, Morandi’s home town, pays homage to him after less than a century from his pictorial beginnings, with one of the most complete exhibitions ever arranged, which presents 90 oil paintings, 13 watercolours, 2 drawings, and 2 etchings. The public could see the works coming from the biggest Italian and international museums and collections, collected in an exhaustive corpus documenting the path and the expressive evolution from the artist’s beginnings through the metaphysical research up to the fading of the watercolours of the last years, passing through all the techniques he experimented.

Thanks to the curators’ choices we can compare, sometimes for the first time, works coming from different sites, connections that highlight analogies in the compositional setting and variations obtained through minimal light modulations, displacements of figures or subtle chromatic and tone changes, thus allowing an emblematic comparison of the research always in becoming, which characterised Morandi’s work. One of the examples is the exceptional sequence comparing the unfinished Natura Morta (Still Life)of 1936 (V. 209) coming from Museo Morandi, Natura morta di oggetti in viola(Still Life of Violet objects) (V. 222) of 1937 lent by the Fondazione di Studi di Storia dell’Arte Roberto Longhi (Foundation of History of the Art Studies Roberto Longhi) to two other paintings like Natura Morta (Still Life)of MoMA (V. 225), 1938 and Natura Morta (Still Life) (V. 221) of 1937.