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Autoritratti. Iscrizioni del femminile nell'arte italiana contemporanea

12 May - 1 September 2013

Related projects

This section is dedicated to indipendent projects related to our exhibition, in which we identify ourselves and that gave birth to new chances of meeting and to further collaborations:

  • Come una possibilità di incontro

A collective reading of Autoritratto by Carla Lonzi
Come una possibilità di incontro gives voice again to the words and single subjects of Autoritratto (1969) by Carla Lonzi, by "re-vocalizing" and actualizing the content through a process of collective reading stretched in time. Reading groups were created involving people working in the artistic and cultural fields both in Bologna and in London, according to proximity, affinity and friendship parameters.

A project by Lucia Farinati for bip bop in collaboration with Elena Biserna and Rita Correddu and with the participation of:
Fabio Altamura, Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Anna Babini, Francesco Brasini, Francesca Burzacchini, Gaspare Caliri, Annalisa Cattani, Cristian Chironi, Richard Crow, Piersandra Di Matteo, Alberto Duman, Emilio Fantin, Matteo Ferrari, Ennio Ficiur, Elisa Fontana, Ludovica Gioscia, Eléonore Grassi, Valeria Graziano, Marco Guarnieri, Donatella Lombardo, Laura Malacart, Sandrine Nicoletta, Eleonora Oreggia (xname), Chiara Pergola, Greta Pistaceci, Paolo Plotegther, Maria Rapagnetta, Letizia Renzini, Mili Romano, Chiara Servalli, Giorgia B. Soncin, Annalisa Sonzogni, Laura Ulisse, Dominique Vaccaro, Giusi Vecchi, Francesco Ventrella, Uliana Zanetti.
Sound recordings: Francesco Brasini, Richard Crow

Do you want to listen to Carla Lonzi directly from the participants to the project? You can find here the audio tracks (only in Italian) of the reading of "Autoritratto" (edition et al., october 2010, Milan).
Info about "Come una possibilità di incontro"